Declaration of DHK
- Vision: building consensus among 7mil people.
- Mission: to educate muggles on blockchain, cryptocurrency and decentralization.
- Operation: a validator across various blockchains, governed by her users.
- Consensus: adopt lazy consensus. Community support is assumed unless someone says otherwise.
- Governance: 1 DHK 1 vote, covering issues that can be digitally achieved to facilitate the vision, mission and operation.
- Culture: Pay it forward. Always convert muggles into users of cryptocurrency and give them 1 DHK token.
- Code of Conduct: with great power comes great responsibility. With more DHK, you have greater responsibility to convert muggles and give out all but 1 DHK. Bottom line, sell all but 1 DHK to the market.
- End game: 7,000,000 DHK in the hands of 7,000,000 users.
v1, 2022.05.09