- Discuss in DHK dao Telegram working group about the expense and get a consensus on the payment and direction.
- Item has been paid out of pocket by contributor.
- Add an item on the list below: Item status set to Pending, and enter the date. Raise the request in Telegram DHK Working Group
- If no one in TG group raises concern for 3 days. Then update the item status to Passed. For example, if an item is added on Nov 1st, update the item status to Passed on Nov 4th.
- Guardians will then process expense items with Passed status in due time.
- On Status:
- Pending: payment has been made by a certain member.
- Passed: item has been raised in TG group, No concern has been raised or all concerns have been addressed.
- 1 of 2: tx has been signed once. Need 2 signatures for a tx to pass.
- Settled: dao has reimbursed back the amount to the member.
Expense Claims